Newmot Creations



Potential customers are looking online for you!

If your business is not on the web in a meaningful way, you’re losing business. Think your industry is exempt from this trend? Think again. Every business, no matter the industry, can benefit from a modern, informative website.

If they can’t find you online, they may go elsewhere.

If you want customers to find you today, then you need to be online. Our approach to website design will keep your business in line with modern design trends and boost its online exposure. All of our websites are professionally designed to ensure that they’re clean and responsive across all mediums.

Responsive Websites for Mobile Devices.

Our personal recommendation is to use a responsive website. With a responsive website your website will be readable on practically any device, and the best thing of all is that google will become your friend and support your website. If your site is not device responsive then your site exposure is going be affected dramatically.

Get started.

If your business is not on the web in a meaningful way, you’re losing business! 

Get a Quick Estimate

We pride ourselves on our quick quote turnaround times. Please feel free to give us a call on +254 (0) 723-515-995. Alternatively, you can also contact us by completing our simple and quick online enquiry forms.